Tuesday, February 01, 2011


So, some weeks back, I filled out a scholarship application for Vida Vegan Con (the Vegan Blogger's Conference being held in Portland
this summer). SO excited this event is so close to home!! I may have mentioned it?

The wonderful people at VeganCon were offering scholarships for several lucky people, and since my "Conference Savings Account" has only amassed a very unlucky $25.00, I decided to apply.

Then, I deleted the application because I thought I sounded stupid.
And broke and desperate and cheap and greedy and selfish and broke. (And I definitely AM some of those things.)

But..... I really wanted to go, so I sucked it up and filled it out again. And deleted it.
I went through this process several more times, and finally just a day before the deadline, I FINALLY submitted a scholarship application that I hoped was only slightly less desperate and sucky sounding than previous attempts.

And then I crossed my fingers. Clutched my lucky (fake) rabbit's foot. Prayed. Panicked. Hoped. Kept saving my pennies. And prayed some more. Because the harsh reality was, I just wasn't scraping together extra pennies very fast.

Then, in the end, I totally forgot scholarship winners would be announced at the end of January. (Hey, I had a lot of other serious craziness going on last week - cut me a little slack here!).

Long story short; I was totally shocked when I opened my e-mail late last night to the following:
"Hey there, scholarship winner!
We just wanted to let you know that you've
got a weekend registration to Vida Vegan Con
with your name on it."

What? (*Checks the address*)
Me? (*Check my address*)
This isn't a mistake? (*Double checks the e-mail*)
It seems legit. YESssssssssss! (*Sinks in*)
I actually won. Wow. (*Hyperventilates!!*)

Needless to say, I am SO SO SO SO Sooooooooooo excited and honored and shocked and happy and thrilled and amazed and THANKFUL!!! SO thankful.

I promise I will blog about the whole amazing event and every experience leading up to and during - right here on my not-so-trusty lil' laptop...

A million heartfelt Thank-You's to Janessa, Jess & Michele; conference planners, organizers and scholarship-hander-outers extraordinaire. You can't imagine how thrilled I am.


  1. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Hi - I was just over at Vida Vegan checking out the Con and saw your name - Congratulations!! You totally deserve it, (if for no other reason than your awesome Gravy MoFo). I'm hoping to go - with it being so close, it's almost shameful to miss it. Maybe I'll even get to finally meet you face-to-face!

    Sincerely, Renee (Gaelynn's Sister)

  2. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to meeting the person behind the blog.

  3. OMG! OH I am so happy for you! Congratulations! Woo Hoo! have a super duper great awesome time!


  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Congrats! I wish I could go too :-)


  5. Hooray! Congrats to you! I agree with the other commented, your mofo should've been enough to let you go, it was so awesome.

  6. congrats! i hope to see you there.

  7. Fab news, I'm already looking forward to the posts.

  8. Hooray! Congratulations.

  9. CONGRATS! So super stoked for you!

  10. Anonymous10:38 AM

    you really deserved it

  11. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Hooray! What wonderful news. I am going to be going also, so I'm excited to finally get to meet you. (In case you are wondering who in the world I am, I used to spend time over on VeggieBoards a few years back, under the name of Colorful, then Cornflower). I've actually been looking for someone to carpool with as we are a one car family and I don't want to leave hubby home with three boys and no transportation. We should talk!

  12. Congratulations! I'm looking forward to the conference, too!

    By the way, my b-day is September 3, too! We should have a vegan cupcake to celebrate in Portland! LOL

  13. AWWW! Thanks all - how sweet are these replies!?! I'd love to meet EVERYONE, we'll have to walk around peering at each other's nametags!! SO EXCITED!!
    @Renee: Definitely sign up!! PLEASE come!! I'll find you - we can hang out and talk trash about Gaelynn!! (KIDDING of course, about the trash talking anyway, I only know good things) Heehee!
    @veganspoonful/colorful: are you on Facebook? add me there or contact me here close to the date and we'll talk carpool - that could DEFINITELY work!! You're in the Sea/Tac area still? Awesome!
    @JL - it's on, birthday cupcake in PDX.. or there's some insanely good vegan doughnuts too, heck, maybe a pastry tour of the town?

  14. You are so great! I'm so excited to see you this August. xo


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