Sunday, November 16, 2008

7 Random Things about Memememe me me me...

So, Yeah, like everyone else in blogger-land, I have been tagged. By four or five of you lovely people.

And by now I'm probably the last blogger participating, because I usually don't do these things so well; so I assume you all know the rules, which I've already broken, so I'll skip those...

7 Random Things About Me

1.) I recently got my hair cut. Short. For me anyway.
This is the shortest it's been since high-school and I have to admit, I feel just a bit naked.

2.) I am adopted.

With the support of my adoptive parents (who will always be my "real" parents) I searched for my birth family about 9 years ago, found them, and now have a wonderful relationship with my biological father, aunties, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.... Long, warm-fuzzy, very Oprah-worthy story.

3.) I am the oldest of six girls, we were all raised vegetarian by slightly crunchy, slightly hippie, ahead-of-their-time, health conscious parents (my Dad's a Medical Doctor, and while in school, did some research that led him to the conclusion that eating meat was way unhealthy. He determined this was something HIS family would never do) and all six of us girls are still vegetarian. I'm the only vegan, go figure!

4.) I hate frogs. In a crazy-insane-panicky-terror sort of way. Hate them so very much that I've refused to leave my house when one took up residence on the front step. A teeeny, tiny tree frog! I would seriously have to be committed to a mental institution if one hopped on me. Seriously, I think that's my biggest fear. And yes, I realize how stupid it is. Spiders? Snakes? I have no problem with them. Just frogs. Hate them so much I'm not posting a picture.

5.) I use our local food bank on an occasional basis. I am not proud of it, in fact it's a very emotional thing for me. I am the Queen of Frugal but sometimes my paycheck just doesn't make ends meet. I do "pay back" during the summer when I have extra produce in my garden, and my kids and I have been regular volunteers for years - the staff know us well and will often watch out for vegan-friendly items that come in. (Oddly enough, sometimes the food-bank's clients won't even take tofu or tempeh when it's offered - and it ends up being a hard item to get rid of. Who knew?)
6.) I am totally crazy about my kids. Love, love, love them. But you knew that already. Being a Mom defines who I am. My kids are my life. No one said these had to be random things you didn't previously know about me.

7.) I am very entertained by Paula Deen, Alton Brown, Ace of Cakes and in fact, most of Food Network. It's cheap entertainment. And I mentally veganize everything they cook (OK, sometimes it's a real stretch) but I actually learn something from many of the shows I watch, and if not, at least I'm not bored!

8.) I dislike dogs.
Almost all dogs except ours. And my sister's doberman. And my cousin's poodle. Otherwise, I don't like dogs.

I do not want to say hi to every mutt at the dog park and I do not want to hold your cute, fuzzy Poopsie and I do not want to be knocked over by a giant tail-wagging, tongue-slurping hairy beast that you insist is friendly. I just am not a dog person, unless it's my dog.

Ooops, that was eight. Sorry for the rambling. But you asked for random.

Have a GREAT week!


Jenn Shagrin said...

Seriously. It's the best stuff on earth! I always scale back the amount of garlic I use in my recipes because I use entirely too much.

LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Nicole said...

Your family is beautiful! I loved these facts!

Jen said...

thanks for sharing these facts. i must admit, i was surprised by the frog thing, but i don't judge you. we use our food bank too, and it's a pretty cool one.

¡Yo Soy Liz! said...

i love your family photos! this is a really interesting response to this meme!

Jenni (aka Vegyogini) said...

Your hair cut is cute! How cool to be in a family of vegetarians since birth. Your dad was ahead of his time!

River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

An all vegetarian family, that is just awesome!

I love your haircut AND your gorgeous highlights! I always intend to cut mine short but I'm way too chicken!

Amy said...

Haha, you're definitely not the last. I'm in the process of compiling mine right now.

I love your hair cut! I cut mine shoulder length 2 years ago, realized I couldn't hide behind my hair anymore and have frantically been trying to grow it back ever since. I love shorter hair though, I just also love to hide :P

Sorry about your frog phobia :( We all have things we're phobic about!

Carrie™ said...

I like these kind of random "things about me" posts.
I love your hair! Cut and colour. Don't like dogs?? I'm kinda like that with cats, but I would never own one.

Susan G said...

Great to learn about you! It's amazing how much your high school photo looks like your daughters. I loved the photo of you and your sisters and parents. How cool to be raised in a veg family!

Bethany said...

very cool facts! I love that you are involved w/ your community and that you have such a loving family. That's like gold.

Sorry about the frogs. I think they are really cute. Except of course the cane toad that has taken over most of Australia. Do you like the croaking sound?

Cynthia said...

Thanks for being so open and sharing your life with us.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new hair-do. The highlights and everything. I understand feeling naked that lots of it is gone also :)

aTxVegn said...

How interesting! You grew up with a super cool family.

Unknown said...

In your graduation picture you look so much like your daughter. I mean the one who I think is the oldest, but am not sure.

MeloMeals said...

Oh wow.. I didn't know you were raised a vegetarian. I was too.. How cool! It's pretty rare to find someone our age who was raised that way..

Anonymous said...

It's nice to learn more about you. I used to run a food pantry back in the 80's -- you'd be surprised how many very thrifty, frugal people find themselves with more month than money. It happens. I'm sure you and your family give back more than you receive.

I was going to say, too, that you and your daughter look just alike.

Unknown said...

I love your haircut! For me that would be long. Once I had my 2nd child I cut my hair really short and haven't looked back. The longest it has been in the 9years since is to my chin.

Erin said...

I enjoyed reading about you! The new haircut looks great. And I am also very entertained by Food Network in general, especially Alton Brown.

Anonymous said...

Tofu Mom, you are awesome. I wish you lived here so we could hang out and be friends. Hugs!! One day I'm coming to Seattle so watch out cause I'm gonna be knocking on your door!

I think your hair cut looks fresh and fun (to match your personality!).

So awesome that you were raised vegetarian. Your dad was very ahead of the times.

Bex said...

I have a love hate thing with frogs. I'm not terrified of them but sometimes I'm squeamish and sometimes I like to pet them.