Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Holiday Weekend

If you're in the U.S. like we are, this weekend might find you celebrating the "official beginning of summer" by picnicking, camping, or BBQ-ing.

It may also find you remembering friends or family who served our country.

Wherever you are, whatever you do, I hope it's a relaxing, special weekend.

Although tomorrow is the actual "Holiday", we celebrated today with a bunch of friends, a backyard party, a bonfire and picnic.
I just have to show you - Here's my summer splurge... a sweet little patio firepit!
I'd been wanting one forever and finally found it on sale!!
We couldn't wait to try it out, but first of all - here's a picture of it all new and clean!
The menu was almost all vegan, even if the guests weren't. (OK, the kids had S'mores with evil mashmallows and Hershey bars... send in the vegan police!) , but every single thing was gobbled right down, with lots of second and third helpings...

First off, we lit the fire pit and let the coals burn down nice and hot, it was just the perfect size, especially since I have no desire to have a big ol' bar-be-que thing taking up space on my patio.
We roasted corn (still in the husk) and veggie hot dogs on sticks (Lightlife, Loma Linda Big Franks and Field Roast Sausages, take your pick).

Along with food from the fire, (isn't this a just a classic picnic combo?) I made "Cheater Baked Beans" from Veganomicon (cooked the beans from scratch though, I'm just not a fan of canned...) and my signature macaroni salad (with Veganaise).

Of course there were plenty of beverages to go around - including this awesome organic wine and "Russian" Coke which was really just plain old Coke, but celebrating the Olympics or something.

Sorry, not sure of the significance, it was a cool can though.

Since teen-age boys and fire seem to be drawn to each other, we were "treated" to a long, drawn out and highly scientific marshmallow-roasting-s'more's-eating demonstration.
(I do have to admit some of them were quite the gooey-chocolate-y works of art, the pictures would have been even better if it hadn't been twilight by this point...)

Lots of sugar, caffiene and general goofiness (yes, someone took pictures of all that too!).

Couldn't have been a better day!

Macaroni Salad (This makes enough for a crowd - if hungry teenagers don't get to it first!)

Mix together the following:

8 cups cooked elbow macaroni (I use 1/2 wheat and 1/2 white)
1 cup frozen peas
2 bunches small green onions, sliced thin (use about 1/2 the green part)
1 English cucumber diced
1 small jar (aprox. 1/4 cup) chopped green olives or capers or 1 small can sliced black olives - your choice
1 carrot, coarsely shredded
large handful fresh parsley, chopped fine
Vegan mayonaise, as much as you prefer (My kids don't like a mayo-heavy salad)
salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne to taste.

Mix together, chill and serve.

That's it; Pretty easy, contains ingredients ALL my kids love and I usually have everything on hand...

Have a memorable weekend!


LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Happy Memorial Day!!! Looks like you had a fun time, and LOTS of delicious food (looove those s'mores, especially - yum!)

Haha, what a cool Russian Coke can!! So interesting to see products from other countries :0)

Carrieā„¢ said...

Looks like you started the weekend off right! We had our "kick-off to summer long weekend" last weekend. It was Victoria Day (for Queen Victoria) and that's the weekend everyone does their garden plantings, BBQ parties, cottage openings, etc. I just love that fire pit. That's awesome. Thanks for the salad recipe. We love us some good mac salad. Coke can is cool! It's one of those products that no matter what language, you know it's Coke.

harlemgrrl said...

happy memorial day weekend, looks like you all had a great time!

for vegan smores, if tiny trapeze brand marshmallows aren't available in your area, perhaps you can make some...

Carrie said...

Sounds like an awesome bbq!

I love macaroni salad, I'll have to try out your version. :)

Tofu Mom (AKA Tofu-n-Sprouts) said...

Tiny Trapeze was purchased by Whole Foods a while back, and they discontinued the vegan geletin in their products - (I think it was Emes anyway which ended up not being vegan).

I'm the only vegan in the family anyway, and I hate marshmallows, vegan or not, so no worries.

Anonymous said...

Happy Memorial day! Looks like you had a nice celebration.

How do you like the cheater baked beans? I have been contemplating making them since I got the cookbook months ago, but haven't yet. Are they good??



Tofu Mom (AKA Tofu-n-Sprouts) said...

Courtney - the "Cheater Baked Beans" were good!! In fact, I doctored the recipe only slightly (no bay leaf, little brown sugar) and they tasted just like my favorite canned ones...which I guess is my complaint... Lotta work when I can open one can and they taste the same. {shrug} It's probably a personal preference, YES! they did taste good, less sweet than most canned, so I guess it depends on what you're looking for.

Julie said...

Awesome splurge!!

Your macaroni salad sounds delish.

Your girls are so cute. :]

Tanya Kristine said...

awesome firepit. with the tile? i love it! hot "dogs" look yummy too...

Bianca said...

Yea for summer grilling! And that macaroni salad sounds great. I haven't had macaroni salad in probably 15 years or more...not since I was quite've inspired me to try it again soon.

Catherine Weber said...

I've been craving a BBQ too . . . I might make some seitan this weekend, to turn into pulled-seitan sandwiches. (Topped with cole slaw, of course!)

bazu said...

Here's to summer foods! My favorites! That s'more is calling my name. =)

Lindsay (Happy Herbivore) said...

Im a sucker for grilled corn... wanting the one in the photo...badly

Anonymous said...

What a way to start the summer! I swear, I want to come visit you just to eat your food. I would be in heaven!

sallyomally said...

Girl, all I have to say is,I'm glad I don't live at your house, Or I'd weigh500 pounds! You are an incredible cook!
Your food looks delicious and your kids are darling. I love the fact that they all matched for Mother's Day!

Kyle said...

Oh bring that Mac Salad on!! I'm a sucker for anything like a creamy salad, especially with the best condiment this side of the Moon...Vegenaise. Can't wait to try out your recipe, although I live alone and rarely entertain so I think I'll halve or even quarter the recipe.

Looks like you had a great time. You have a beautiful family. :D

Unknown said...

I heart your patio fire. I too am looking for one of those ... and waiting for one to go on sale.

I hear all the big stores are selling patio and lawn furniture for cheap to market to everyone not going on holiday b/c of gas prices.

Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

HAPPY MEMORIAL WEEKEND! What a festive post and awesome summer party. We treated ourselves to a firepit, but ours doesn't have the pretty tile around the outside. Too much fun - esp. for teenagers. Thanks for your delicious looking macaroni salad recipe - such a classic!! XO

Wheeler's Frozen Dessert said...

Cute pictures! Sounds like fun.

Sheree' said...

I adore macaroni salad and yours looks so great!

harlemgrrl said...

whole foods here in ny sell these vegan marshmallows

they melt and everything :0)