Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tempeh-Vegetable Tacos

My "Sprouts" came home tonight wanting tacos in the worst way.

Unfortunately (and incredibly unusual at our house) I didn't have any beans or burger or 'cheeze' or lettuce or really much that was traditionally "taco-like", other than some nice organic corn tortillas...
AND I was way short on time... but tacos were what the natives were demanding, so tacos they got!

I coarsely grated some zucchini, tomato, carrot and onion and flash-sauteed it for less than a minute, just until the tomato got mushy.

Then I mashed an avocado with cilantro and lime, into a guacamole sort of thing, and crumbled some tempeh and smooshed it around in the pan and sauteed it with plain ol' canned tomato sauce and "mexican" spices until it almost looked like taco "meat"...

I browned the corn tortillas just a bit, folded them in half, and away we went...

The "tacos" turned out deeee-lish, and more importantly, my kids gobbled them without asking for (veggie) Taco Meat or 'cheeze' or olives or beans or salsa. All items I usually have on hand (except tonight). They aren't even tempeh fans but that didn't seem to matter either.

I thought they looked rather pretty, with all those colors, too.

Speaking of pretty, here's a Mother's Day picture of my Sprouts (which they hate!), complete with matching tee-shirts which I forced them to wear since it was MY day and I nostalgically wanted them to "match".

They never wear matching outfits any more - I miss those days... I realize they think they are MUCH too old to be dressed up in frilly, fussy matching "sister" outfits like I used to... and also, if they matched their sibling(s), even a little bit, you KNOW I would rush over with my camera and record the moment...
Good times!


Bianca said...

I love, love tempeh! But strangely, I've never made tempeh tacos. It has such a nice ring to it...tempeh tacos! Yum!

And cute kids! I love that you made them wear matching shirts!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Love the vegetable-filled tacos that you made!! Yum!!

Aww, what a lovely photograph of your "sprouts" :0)

Carrieā„¢ said...

Man, those tacos look and sound delicious! And the sprouts are adorable.

sallyomally said...

Girl, all I can say is I'm glad I don't live at your house or I'd weight 500 pounds! You are an incredible cook!
Your food looked delicious and your kids are darling.I love the fact that they matched for Mother's Day!

Karyn said...

Ok, I have to try those this weekend. They sound really yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

(aka cowgirrlup from VB)