Friday, January 08, 2016

In which I discover that I'm an idiot!

Attention, attention!!!

Just a notice to all three regular readers of my blog!!

APPARENTLY I'm more technologically challenged than I realized, as I JUST discovered that all the blog posts I made ALL LAST YEAR (not that many) were posted as "private".

I wondered why no one was commenting. I wondered why I wasn't getting page views, but since I really don't obsess much about who views my blog, I never really gave it much thought.

Until the new year when I was doing just a little tinkering and noticed.....

"Seriously, Mom
~~ Olivia, age 4

"This post set to PRIVATE"

And I went "What, whaaaaaaat? Is that really a thing? Who does that?"

Well, apparently it IS a thing.
And I did.

But not to fear, all posts are now fixed and you can read them, and if I promised you a review or shout-out and you never saw it, I'm sorry, and hopefully it's all good.

More to follow this year.
Posts you can actually see!


  1. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Oh no! frustrating! At least you've figured it out now :)

  2. I wondered where you had gone! Glad everything is ok :)

  3. I always read along, and I'm not even vegan. I actually don't remember how I found this blog but I always like the easy and family friendly food you post. Plus your rhubarb crumble is my only rhubarb recipe now. I was delighted to see so many posts suddenly appear in my blog reader.

  4. I always read along, and I'm not even vegan. I actually don't remember how I found this blog but I always like the easy and family friendly food you post. Plus your rhubarb crumble is my only rhubarb recipe now. I was delighted to see so many posts suddenly appear in my blog reader.

  5. Yay! Can't wait to see more. 😊


I LOVE comments, so please leave one, I have had a boatload of spam lately so have had to resort to moderating some comments BEFORE they are posted - if your comment does not show up, no worries - it will will show up VERY soon!!