Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rainbow Veggies

No recipe tonight, just some simple, colorful, DEEEELICIOUS, beautiful veggies!

The other day, my friend, D (of the über awesome Soundly Vegan blog) and I took off in her sweet little convertible; top down, wind in our hair, (worth mentioning because there are few days in western Washington where you can actually DO that!) for a great little afternoon veggie-road-trip to the wonders of the Olympia Farmer's Market (it's actually just a few miles down the road).

We had such a nice time, and I realized how refreshing it is shopping with a fellow vegan who totally "gets" my shopping habits and choices.

Anyway, while at the market (and the Olympia Co-op) we picked up all sorts of beautiful produce, and this supper is just a rainbow-colored sampling. It seemed a shame to do anything other than steam the veggies and enjoy them at their simplest and tastiest: Peruvian Blue potatoes, Russian Kale with some peppery nasturtium blossoms, the sweetest carrots in the WORLD and some darling little Easter Egg radishes (those aren't steamed, btw). Seriously, the prettiest dinner I've made in ages.


  1. Hi Tofu Mom! I’ve been reading your blog for quite a while and I love reading all about your adventures with your Sprouts. :)

    I’m commenting because friends in my vegan community have made a fictional film about the Animal Liberation Front and are screening it in Seattle very soon. The film is called Bold Native and will be screening in Seattle on June 29 at the Northwest Film Forum. I would be so grateful if you would support the film by going to see it and by telling your friends. The website is here for more info and to view the trailer: http://boldnative.com/ . I reviewed it on my blog last week.

    Thank you so much!

  2. Those veggies look fantastic.

    I love eating rainbows!

  3. Wow what colors!

  4. That dinner looks fantastic! Sometimes I just need a plate full of rainbow foods too!
    The blue potatoes look fabulous as well :)

  5. That is so pretty! I've never seen purple radishes.


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