Saturday, March 06, 2010

"Cheese-y" Flat Bread Crackers

No recipe (of my own) today, but definitely one worth sharing!!
I rarely re-post recipes or links from other bloggers - mainly because my food never looks as beautiful as theirs and I'm embarrassed to say I used the same recipe!
Today though, I tried a recipe for some "cheesy" flatbread crackers from "Soundly Vegan", done by a local blogger/friend and they turned out SO great, (and the picture ain't great, but I suppose makes them look at least edible) so, I wanted to give her blog, and the recipe, a shout-out.

My kids cleaned these out in about half an hour with a vat of hummus and then looked around for more - least I know everything was whole-grain, homemade and good for them! I'm definitely going to have to make them again soon!!

Go here for the recipe: Flat Bread Crackers, it's the second recipe on the post, "Dilled Yease and Flax Seed Flatbread Crackers" and take my word for it - they are AWESOME!!! I didn't change much - used whole grain pastry flour (because that's what I had) and olive oil instead of the walnut oil, (I had to use slightly more oil? Maybe it's just me?) and sprinkled mine with some garlic salt and parsley.

TRY these!!


  1. Tofu,

    I'd be honored and consider myself damned lucky to eat at your table. You create some amazing compassionate food. Thank you for the shout out. I've cooked nearly my entire life yet I'm new to the recipe sharing game and it's odd to have someone make something that came out of my head. I'm glad that you loved them, it makes me smile.



  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I always think your food and photos look amazingly impressive, and these are no exception! Thanks for sharing them--I think your kids were on to something with the hummus sounds delish :-)



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